Introduction to MongoDB and MongoDB Atlas

Introduction to MongoDB

Author: Akshaymon K V

What is a database?


A database is a structured and organized way of storing information/data.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that is used to organize and store data. Let’s see what does

it mean to be a NoSQL database.

Usually the SQL or traditional databases would use a table structure to store the information, whereas a NoSQL database does not use the same. In-case of MongoDB, it uses documents to store the data instead of ‘rows and columns’ structure. Hence MongoDB is a NoSQL document database.

Pic: SQL database structure.

Pic: NoSQL database structure

Documents in MongoDB are an organized way of storing data in key-value or field-value pairs.

For example:


‘name’: ’Akshay’,



These documents are in turn stored in collections.

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MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a cloud database service that is built to use for a wide range of applications. And at the core of Atlas, we have MongoDB. It means storage and retrieval of data happens from the MongoDB database.

Atlas lets the users create clusters of data. So a cluster is nothing but a group of servers. The server is a connected set of MongoDB instances. And what is an instance? An instance is a single machine local/on the cloud which runs a service or software.

The cluster of servers is in turn stored as replica sets. Replica sets are connected database instances for the same data, acting as a backup, so that if anything happens to one of the instances, the other remaining instances can provide the service.

Services provided by Atlas:

  • It manages cluster creation.
  • Helps users maintain and manage deployments.
  • Let’s users connect to a cloud service provider of their choice since Atlas supports a wide range of cloud providers.
  • Thereby can help in experimenting with new tools and features as well.
  • Pricing is based on the scale and usage.

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